RAiR | 1985-86
Elen Feinberg
Elen Feinberg has exhibited her paintings throughout the US and Europe for over thirty years. Her work is included in museum collections that include the LA County Museum of Art, the Louisiana Art and Science Museum, and the Eretz Israel Museum, and also in numerous corporate and private collections. Feinberg holds awards in painting from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Fulbright Foundation, the Ingram Merrill Foundation and others. Her recent work abstracts interstellar and atmospheric phenomena to explore a sublime world freed from our terrestrial horizon. Feinberg earned her BFA from Cornell University and her MFA from Indiana University. She currently paints full-time in her studio in Albuquerque after a distinguished teaching career at the University of New Mexico. (2017)
Elen Feinberg’s website
AMoCA Collection | Pecos Valley, 1986, Oil on canvas, 20 x 30 in